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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tiffany Blue Wedding

Here is an image board of a super cute Tiffany blue wedding I've started working on! This wedding will be a day to remember!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Go Saints!

Congratulations to the New Orleans Saints for winning Superbowl XLIV! The Saints have a special place in my heart. My former co-workers and I spent a lot of time over the last 3 years working with Saints quarterback, Drew Brees, on a "Rebuilding Dreams in New Orleans" campaign. Here are some pictures of our first kick-off event for the campaign clear back in in 2007 at Lusher Athletic Field in New Orleans! You deserve this more than anyone Saints! Way to go!

Monday, February 1, 2010

"She's Hooked!"

Here's a sneek peek at what's in store for my mom's upcoming "Bachelorette" party this May in San Diego. Colors are Black, White and Salmon...What could be a more perfect color for this theme?!?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

2006 Fundraising Gala

I wanted to highlight my history of
planning events in this post. These
photos are from a Gala I coordinated that was held
in Boston while I was working for a nonprofit organization,
Operation Kids. This was an event that really put my skills
to the test and made me confident
in pursuing event planning as a career.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We are currently working with wedding clients in the D.C. Metropolitan area! Please contact Megan Larsen at: megan@plannedtoperfectionevents.org. The first 5 contacts will receive wedding planning services FREE of charge! What is free these days? A wedding planner is! The only thing that will be of cost to you are the venues and supplies in which you choose for your wedding.

Enjoy Your wedding without the hassle of having to make sure that everything is "Planned to Perfection". Leave it up to us!