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Please contact for consultation and pricing

Birthday Parties

From the young to the young-at-heart, we all could use a great party on our special day to celebrate another year of life!

Our birthday parties are planned from start to finish with the birthday boy or girl in mind. We will work with you to select a theme, color scheme, cake, entertainment, and much more.

You will be provided with unlimited consultation, as well as a coordinator to be there the day of the party to set-up, work with vendors and perfect every detail!

Bridal Showers

A bridal shower is the perfect celebration to lead someone into the biggest and most exciting journey of their life.

We will work with you to create a truly special day for the bride-to-be. A coordinator will meet with you to select a color scheme, theme, food, entertainment, favors, etc.

You will be provided with unlimited consultation leading up to the bridal shower, as well as a coordinator to be there the day of the party to set-up, work with vendors and perfect every detail!

Baby Showers

There is no better way to welcome a new life into the world than with a baby shower!

Planned to Perfection will be there to assist you with theme and color scheme selection, décor, food, invitation selection and more!

You will be provided with unlimited consultation, as well as a coordinator to be there the day of the party to set-up, work with vendors and perfect every detail!

Holiday Parties and Other Occasions

No matter what the occasion is, things always seem to be more hectic than usual when a big event is around the corner. When you don’t have the time to put together a perfect celebration to bring together family and friends, Planned to Perfection will be there to assist you.

You will be provided with unlimited consultation, as well as a coordinator to be there the day of the party to set-up, work with vendors and perfect every detail!

Megan Larsen
(801) 891-2920