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Please contact for consultation and pricing

Full Wedding Service Package

This package is ideal for the bride that wishes to have every little detail of her wedding perfected from start to finish.

Your wedding will reflect your sense of style and the unique love that you share as a couple. With every detail covered from choosing a theme, to flowers, to décor and favors, we will be there every step of the way to ensure that your dreams of a perfect wedding come true!

The full service package includes full wedding planning, and as much communication as you desire and is necessary to create your special day. It also includes a coordinator to be there the day of your wedding to oversee every little detail.

Month of Services

For the bride who has completed most of the planning process but would like some extra assistance the month prior, tying up loose ends and maintaining contact with the vendors to ensure a smooth orchestration of the event. This package also includes the day of / week of services with unlimited correspondence.

Day of and Week of Services

This package is for the bride that has sought out their vision of the perfect wedding.

Once you have everything planned, the cake is chosen, the band has been hired, and the flowers are in full bloom, there is still much to be done on your big day. You deserve to enjoy your day and leave the set-up and details to us.

We will join you for a site visit, wedding rehearsal, and one additional meeting to discuss schedule, vendors, and any last-minute changes.
Additional Services

Vendor Referral Package: $200 and includes 3-5 well-researched vendors with up to 4 categories of your choosing (photography, flowers, djs, musicians, cake or confectioners, videography, make-up and hair, transportation, rentals and linen, caterers etc.). Any additional categories at $35.

Set-up, including centerpieces, hanging lights or lanterns, program placement, etc. Prices start at $300.00--dependant on time and quantity.

Design and set-up candy favor table in corresponding bridal colors, complete with ribbon, glass jars, signage, candy scoops and varying candy selections. Starting at $500.00

Selecting and assembling wedding favors. Prices dependent upon favor selection.

Hotel favor baskets for out of town guests. Prices starting at $40 per basket.

Assistance with invitation selection and save-the-dates. Stuffing and sealing envelopes. Price start at $250 dependant on number of guests.

Megan Larsen
(801) 891-2920